I don't understand opening a Children's library in the condominium can be detrimental to the residents.

What's to debate? That...
  1. might get exposed to Books? Ugh...what a nasty thought
  2. ...they might learn to read & exchange ? Oh No!!!!
  3. ... why is someone doing this for altruistic purposes ? How can that be - If you're making money, you're evil; if you don't want to, there's something wrong with you...
  4. irrelevant that a lot of mothers are excited about it? Do they know as much as we do?
Of so many tough decisions to make, this looks like the toughest.
Puzzled and perplexed...


Geotacs said...


i also don't understand...

sometimes people just give illogical reasons... or sya illogical thigns because the harnour some illogical fears some where...

humans can be illogical creatures...