My solo trip.

Recently I went to Sydney on a solo trip - just me & myself; leaving behind my 2 kids and my husband.
The trip was supposed to be sort of a self discovery.

I discovered after we get married, its considered sacrilegious to take off on your own. Some of the reactions I got from people when I told them I was going alone -
- You've got to be kidding me!
- You want a holiday without your kids ?
- You're leaving your husband & kids with the maid ?
- Why do you need to go alone ?
- You shouldn't do this...
- I could never leave me children.

I discovered I don't give a damn about what people say

I also discovered I can have fun alone
It was wonderful not to worry about either kids or husband; and just do the things I enjoyed doing. I walked, I got lost. I attracted looks from some people who wondered if I'd been stood up.
I strolled through gardens, went to galleries to see art I'd never buy, sat by on a windy evening to enjoy my cup of coffee while my butt froze, climbed a bridge, loafed around in a flea market, watched movies back to back, read books, visited garage sales to bargain-hunt, cooked for friends, gossiped late into nights, met friends I haven't seen in ages. It was fun !

I discovered (actually re-discovered) I have a fantastic husband - one who's cool about such things & encourages me to do what I want

I discovered I want to travel more (the Frankenstein that wants to travel more, more, more...)

I discovered a more happy me...


Anonymous said...

Loved this post and the earlier one. Here I am busting my butt in day long meetings and my fav blogger's posts are making my day.

While travelling with family or friends is fun, a solo trip has its own good side too. And you are lucky that you have a wonderful husband - AA are you listening?

Vinita Apte said...

hey that's such a great thing to do....I would love to do that as well...really cool

Anonymous said...

Wasn't aware sydney holiday was solo ... am impressed ....