- if I'll get invited to the party of the year
- if someone wants to give me a job
- when will husband have time to take me out for lunch
- if i'll ever ever have a flat tummy again.
- when will someone teach me the tricks of makeup
- whether I'm allowed to be rude to people I don't like
- why do I write in bullet points and not in paragraphs
- why did god not make me into a goddess - I'm neither rich nor beautiful !!!
- whether people will still talk to me if I tell them what I really think of them ?
- whether tomorrow my friends will kill me for a crappy blog
I wonder...

I have the same thoughts but in a slightly different vein. I too want a flat tummy, know the tricks of makeup, have a man in my life, be rich, beautiful. And you do know that you can tell me exactly what you think of me - of course I'll kill you but I'll still love you - you know that, don't you. V
Great Blog,
very honest musings, I'm sure that you will get the invite, just give it time. The best parties are the ones you dont know are going to happen. Suprise is everything.
You should submit it to The Expat Directory: http://www.theexpatdirectory.com/forms/add_site.php I'm sure others would love to read it.
I wonder -
- if I'll get invited to the party of the year
If I am, I'll take you!
- if someone wants to give me a job
If they don't they're MORONS
- when will husband have time to take me out for lunch
Be patient. In the meantime, take yourself out!
- if i'll ever ever have a flat tummy again.
I've NEVER had one! EVER!!
- when will someone teach me the tricks of makeup
Let's experiment!
- whether I'm allowed to be rude to people I don't like
Yes, esp if they're rude FIRST.
- why do I write in bullet points and not in paragraphs
Because it saves time.
- why did god not make me into a goddess - I'm neither rich nor beautiful !!!
You're gorgeous! I want those eyelashes!!!
- whether people will still talk to me if I tell them what I really think of them ?
Hahahha, just TRY!!
- whether tomorrow my friends will kill me for a crappy blog
It is NOT crappy.
*hugs* - Daphne (daphne.blogs.com)
why stop writing? :)
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