Apple - 2 no.
In seperate ziploc bags
Guava - 2 no.
Also in separate bags. With Black salt easily accessible
Grapes - Angoor Angoor!
Definitely not in ziploc bags. They get squished.
Biscuit sticks.
Option 1: Buy 2 sets of chocolate flavour. Advantage : No fighting in the car.
Option 2: Buy one chocolate + one strawberry. Disadv : Both might not want the strawberry. Adv : If one is "borrowing" from the other, he can be caught brown-or pink-handedly.
1 bag + 2 empty containers. Small
1 bag. Use the empty containers already in the bag
Biscuits (Salty) + Indian Namkeen
For Dadu
Water. 4 bottles.
1 Legoland bottle. For CEO
1 bottle with whale picture. For Professor. That way, ma, the water doesn't drop on me...
2 large bottles. For adults. Plenty of paper cups. Sometimes with a pen to write names on.
Apple Juice - no added sugar
For Amma
Coke - Diet
For Husband & Self
Cold Coffee
For self
Coke or Sprite - Regular. Add Yakult, if available.
For kids
Straws. Flexible. Plenty. All colours.
Strawberry Yoghurt. With small steel spoon. Mismatched ones
Actually 2 no. Sometimes Prof wants it too...
Totally unhealthy potato chips
For husband. He's on a holiday.
Poori + Potato + Achar rolls
For the grandparents
Poori +Potato
For Professor
Poori + Don't wan' anything
Leftover of Poori rolls
for Husband
Hand sanitizer.
To clean hands after every possible dirty surface has been lovingly caressed by the boys.
Let's not even count them.
Wet wipes
For the kids to clean their seats with, when they can NOT be entertained with anything else.
J&J Powder, Baby Cream, Comb, Mosquito repellent, Towel.
For you-never-know-when-you-might-need-it. Ma's one cautious lady.
1 set of underwear + pants
For CEO. I got wet. Don' like. Don' like!
2 toys that have been out of sight for a while
Typically, the Matchbox series of cars / airplanes / 'elicopper
1 large garbage bag.
1 dirty rag
Old newspapers
For kids. For adults. To be played in turns.
Loads of it.

So you are saying Professor does not need spare clothes? That is one neat and tidy chid. :)
What about swim clothes? You never know when it will strike their fancy to jump into sprinklers/baby pools.
I'm going to travel with you next time :)
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