I often wonder what my role in life is....as in my role in my own life and that in other people's lives. I've written about my self in my older posts titled Who I am & 25 things about me. But obviously, with so much time to think, I had to come up with some more adjectives to describe me...
I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a lover, an employer, a slave, a driver, a cook, a handyman (or should it be handyperson ?), a writer, an investor, a nag, a peacemaker, a mediator, a friend, an eater, a traveller, a conforter, a resident, a protector, a teacher, a volunteer, a disciplinarian, a confidant, a reader, an accountant, an advisor, a planner, a travel agent, a listener, a speaker, a player, a decorator, a buyer, a seller, a thinker.
Wow, I play so many roles in my life...
Its an awesome feeling. Life, here I come !

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