Blogs are interesting things.
They allow you to be voyeuristic about other people's lives; and for others to know what's happening in yours. Half the things I've written about in my blog were just personal feelings, which I never thought about sharing with others. Why is it I have no qualms about publishing these thoughts on the internet. Perhaps its a sense of anonymity - mostly false (I know that)- but somehow it works for me. It makes me reach into my mind and produce material like I've never done before. It makes me feel as if I'm talking to people and then I don't feel lonely anymore.
Blogs are interesting things.
Blogs make you open up your own life to the scrutiny and judgment of others. Each time I write, I wonder what people think of this piece; whether I've given them another piece in the jigsaw puzzle that's me? What kind of person do they think I am? I'm very curious about knowing that. I don't know why. I also want people to like what I write; and this is strange, considering I've always thought I've had a "I-don't-care-what other-people-think" kind of an attitude.
Blogs are interesting things.
They teach you a lot about yourself.
They provide a lovely way of documenting your thoughts. I'm beginning to keep notes about myself; and about my family. When I'm older I'd have forgotten these days, these thoughts, these sentiments; but hopefully the blogs will survive. Maybe my kids will read them when they're older and they'll know me to be the person I am, not just as their mom. I wonder sometimes how I was so closed-minded earlier, that I shut off my mind to blogging saying - Oh good for people who write, I just can't. I regret I didn't start earlier but I'm glad I started.
Blogs are interesting things.
I'm so glad I blog.
My desk
3 years ago
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