** I did this post a good 6 months ago on my facebook. For some reason, I haven't shifted it to the blog. Better late then never...so here it is**
Play driver take the kids to baseball Gab with other mums there Crib about the kids About how we're struggling About how they misbehave Make plans Plans that will probably never come true Plans for dancing lessons Plans for a holiday together
Come back and head for the hairdresser Get something done to your hair Frantically hope it will make you look better Better, smarter, hotter, sexier Then realize probably nothing can make you look hotter or sexier, so settle for neater Lose your mind sitting there through all those chemicals in your hair Smile and pretend you're loving every minute Know that the reality is that you'll pay to run away Read the magazines over and over again The make up tricks The hot colors of the season the "easy as pie" recipes Come home armored with some goodies Because you are oh-so-sure that this time they will not be left in a corner, forgotten That this time, you'll use them all The eye cream to get rid of the dark circles The face cream to hydrate the skin The conditioner that will make you hair look as if it was ten years younger The dash of wax to give your hair that extra edge...
Come home, feeling good Feeling wonderful and beautiful Have your son open the door and say What on earth did you do Ma I don't like this I liked the old one better You smile and pat his head and say It's okay Actually you think What does this 7 year old know about hair styles So what if he's clear about what looks nice on his mother You're convinced his mother DOES look nice
Then you go to the mall To buy the little one some shoes And yourself a really nice perfume The big one wants to play And not worry about the shoes After all HE doesn't need them So there are tears and tantrums And the parents thundering and threatening You con the kids and buy the shoes Then your perfume Madam what would you like? A hint of spice? Or white flowers with blah blue and blah Never realizing that madam has no idea She's expecting her nose to guide. Much ado about everything Things are bought Hey hold on! There's a 50 ringgit voucher free Catch? You have to spend it immediately. Take 2 rounds of the mall Coz you don't want to buy anything that will make you shell out more than 20 bucks Aargh You snap at the husband And at the world Your feet are hurting and you wanna go home You suddenly realize that you're no longer in the category of "shoppers never stop" You're older You're tired-er ( is there a word like that?) You think You fume And then you just blame the husband and the kids After all isnt everything husband's fault? Dont his genes in your children not cause you trouble everyday When it's time to go to school Or to eat the food Or when it's time to eat the veggies Or behave? All these bad genes are from husband So of course it's your husband's fault. For what? You ask! Well, I've forgotten but whatever it was It's the husband's fault
The day ends with you sitting on the couch Watching some rubbish on tv Patting a kid to sleep You crib There's nothing to watch on tv Not a book to read Yes there are plenty of books on the bookshelf But there's nothing really to read What a day you say Lemme just go to bed The kids are there in their own bed Sleeping Like angels that they aren't You get into bed Cuddle with them then one of them kicks you And you run back to your own bed The husband is there You go and cry on his shoulder a while He hugs you and cuddles He doesn't scream at you for being a crazy bitch all evening He knows it's all his fault anyway You cuddle up Thank your lucky stars for this wonderful guy Even though his genes aren't all that great And you fall asleep Hopefully ready to face another day
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