Having kids, in my opinion, can never be a rational decision - it has to be a totally emotional one. Anyone who's had kids can vouch that having kids can totally disrupt your life.
- Spontaneity goes for a toss, you can't go pubbing every night, can't work like a dog till 10pm day in & day out ; so there can be no social reasons to have kids.
- The little monsters are expensive so it can't be a financial decision
- They often sleep between the parents; or try their best to play one off the other; so it can't be that having kids helps your marriage :)
- There are no guarantee that they'll take care of the parents, so it can't be investing in the future.
Everything is waived off with "I don't care... I just want a child!"
See? Purely emotional reasons.

haha to some extend that's quite true...
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