Its just not fair. I'm convinced that the fates are conspiring against me. 5:00 pm is the time my kids go down to play. It gives me & poor Kaka a break from all the rockin-and-rolling that goes around in the house. But look at us now. We're all stuck in the house with wails of "I don't know what to do. Maaaaaa, I want to do something interesting. That's not interesting. You don't even know what's interesting" and so on.
I've switched the TV on. Thomas & Fireman Sam have been seen & digested; and they're back to ma with questions. I'm upto my neck answering them-
Kid : Why is it raining ?
Me : The clouds overflowed
Kid : When will it stop ?
Me : Hopefully soon
Kid : Can I go down ?
Me : I wish. But No, you can't. You'll get wet
Kid : Why not?
Me : I just told you, you'll get wet. That's not good for you
Kid : Why not ? What will happen if I get wet? Will I fall ill & die?
Me : (talk about worse case scenarios)No, you won't die, but you can get sick, and you'll have to miss school
Kid : I don't mind missing school, can I go out ?
Me : No
Kid : Do you think there will be a flood ?
Me : I don't think so
Kid : But last time there was a flood (PS: There wasn't). I WANT a flood, it will be fun (FUN, huh ???)
Me : No, there is going to be no flood
Kid (whiny tone) :What can I do ?
Me : Why don't you play with your toys?
Kid (more whiny tone) :No, I'm bored. Can I call my friend over ?
Me : (Ya right. As if I don't have enough trouble with 2 cooped up kids that I'll go ahead & borrow more.) No
Kid : You never let me do anything I want. You're not the boss. You don't love me
I need to be rescued. Someone, please make the rain stop & let me take the kids OUT.

U can figure out how fed up I am with my work today. As you can see I have visited your blog reading and re-reading the same stuff in the same day for lack of better stuff to do. I hate reviews. Play with kids in the rain woman - no one will fall sick. Its FUN!!! Think of me stuck in office all day. Get drenched, race paper boats in the water (I did that as a kid) and then take a hot shower. You kids will think you're the greatest mama. V
It was raining because the clouds overflowed. LOL! Love the sarcasm! :-)
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