I'm not sure if you know who is kaka...so I thought I must introduce you to her. Officially she's my maid; but, I think of her as my wife... You object? Why? Because I'm a woman? So?
...Am I gay?
No, I'm not ! Very happily straight. You people!
...Women don't have wives ?
Why not? Can't understand this? OK let me explain this in another way...
I have a young woman in my house - she cooks for me, she cleans for me, she takes care of the kids while I'm away....She greets me with a smile when I get home, ; gives me a hot cuppa tea (or coffee, depending...) when I've had a hard day. She gives me what I need (No, NO, NO! please don't let that brain of yours run away with all those naughty thoughts... chi chi, what is this, huh?) In a lot of cultures, including India, a person who does that for you is often tagged "wife".
See, that makes her my wife
You will admit that some people secretly worry about their wives leaving them for better prospects. You know, I totally empathize. I feel the same way - what if she goes away? What will i do? Anyone will be lucky to have her...so why is she still with me? Do I make her happy, Do I get her enough, Does she like me, Is she comfortable with me?
My life will fall apart if she leaves me... how will I manage the house, the cooking, the cleaning, the kids? Oh God, no, no no ! Please don't let that happen ! I need her, the kids need her....
Well.... reality is, I don't know why she's with me. I'm just happy that she is...
My kids adore her. She takes care of them, she plays with them. She kisses their scratches better & makes the monsters go away. She gives the kids love & consoles them when the grown-ups yell at them. She cooks their favorite food, she breaks up fights & slips in a small treat every once in a while. When no one's home, the kids know they're still safe & secure because kaka's there to look after them.
So yes, that makes kaka my wife - It may not be legal but....I DON'T CARE. I'm really glad I have her; for however long she's content to be with me...
And, what will I do when she goes away?
Well, I'll be angry, I'll be hurt, I'll shout and cry "why me, god; why me?" I'll think about the good times we had; and think about what I did wrong... I'll sit & discuss the situation with my girlfriends; may be, get drunk & foolish, fight with Alok & blame him. Soon people will tell me that it wasn't meant to be... They'll shy away from discussing it any more & stop wanting to babysit a teary-eyed me...
... And then slowly, I'll pull my life together...till one day, I realize I'm okay...
Soon, I'll go out, talk to an agent and get another one....
My desk
3 years ago
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